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And so it continues...

June 14 2023 – Katie Perry

And so it continues...
And so it continues...

You may have heard the news, there is an appeal on my "David and Goliath" case.

On my fridge calendar written in bold pen are the words " Last day of appeal" .

I had not heard anything and felt relieved.

However the following day whilst getting my kids ready for bed an email came through and the news was not good. The singer has chosen to appeal , a day late.

I didn't want my kids to see me so upset so I said to my husband " I have to go outside" and burst into tears on the street as strangers walked by.

This is a case that I thought had an end in sight and yet the singer has chosen to continue to drag it out. 

My label is my future, my dream, my livelihood and now there is a chance my trademark could be taken away.

It feels like a personal attack.  I have already had trolling on my accounts.

I am not doing this fight alone. This is for all small business owners. This is about Australian law. We all matter.

Yes, its challenging and hard at the moment but I will continue to fight for us all.



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